Person Outline and Templates (Lots of Free Printables!)

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If you are looking for some person outlines and people templates, we have a few cute ones just for you! Feel free to use these fun people shapes for fun crafts or classroom projects.

person outlines

Our person templates are great for all sorts of crafts and projects. Use them to make puppets, game pieces, ornaments, learning about cultures or careers and more.

We have a variety of different designs, so you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for your project. From a big blank person template to smaller people outlines.

Just print out the template you want from the downloadable PDF file and get started!

person templates

Ideas for Using the Person Outlined and Blank Person Templates

Here are a few ideas of what you can do with our person templates:

Make a paper doll chain: Layer several pieces of paper together and staple on the person outline. Then cut out several people at once and attach together at the hands with tape or glue.

Use the blank person outline to dress up as story book characters. This is a great activity to engage kids in stories.

Print out one of the people outline and let the kids “dress them up” in different career and job outfits, such as police officers, teachers and fire fighters.

Use them to create puppets for a puppet show.

Create your own board game and use the smaller people outlines to create game pieces.

You can use them to let kids write in their favorite things about family members for mother’s day and father’s day.

Make DIY ornaments for your Christmas tree.

Use the people templates to let children engage in learning about different world cultures. Have them draw traditional outfits on the people.

Use them to help kids learn about the human body.

You could also use the person outlines as a guide to cut out people shapes from patterned scrapbook paper, construction paper, foam sheets, or any other type of paper you have on hand.

If you want to add some extra details to your people, use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to draw on eyes, a mouth, and other features. You can also glue on googly eyes, pom poms, or other craft supplies.

We also have some fun printable eye outlines, hand outlines and lip templates.

The Person Outlines

We have a few different person templates to choose from.

We have a full-page, blank-person outline. This one is great for adding more detail too or to use as a coloring page.

blank person outline

We have the same person template, but with a cute smiley face that’s perfect to use as a printable paper doll.

person outline

We also created several smaller blank person outlines and templates you can grab in case you need a different size.

blank people template
blank person outlines
blank people template

And several with the happy face as well.

printable person outlines
free printable people outlines
person outlines free printable

Grab the Free People Templates

To grab the free template of our person outline, put your email in the box below. We’ll send all the outlines straight to your inbox along with some other favorite free printables from our site.

We’ll send the PDF files straight to your email. Then download the templates and print them out!

These are for personal or classroom use only. Not for commercial use. But feel free to print out as many as you like. Thank you!

What fun way will you be using the person outlines? Let us know in the comments to give other’s fun ideas.

blank person outlines
people outlines

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