Super Cute Handprint Bee Craft

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Today we’ve got a cute handprint craft idea! This adorable handprint bee craft. It’s a fun and easy craft perfect for younger kids and preschoolers.

Handprint bee craft.

This handprint bee craft is a fun spring craft for kids, combining creativity with learning.

It’s a fantastic way to help children develop their fine motor skills and learn about colors and shapes.

This craft is great to add to a bee study unit or for events like Earth Day. This craft brings a bit of nature indoors and can be a great addition to any insect-themed learning session.

If you are looking for more bee crafts or activities, you should check out our printable bee craft, where kids can build their own paper bee.

We’ve also got fun bee themed learning printables like our parts of a bee worksheets or our life cycle of a bee printable diorama.

Why You’ll Love This Craft

  • Engaging and Educational: Helps kids learn about bees and the importance of pollinators in our ecosystem.
  • Develops Fine Motor Skills: Tracing, cutting, and gluing improve dexterity and coordination.
  • Customizable: Allows for creativity with colors and designs.
  • Keepsake Material: Creates a memorable piece that can be cherished for years.


Printable craft template: We created a printable template to make this craft super easy to cut out all of the shapes. You can grab it at the end of the post. The template includes a handprint shape on it, but it’s more of a place holder. If you can, it’s a lot more fun to use someone’s actual handprint!

Colored craft papers: Yellow, white, and black are ideal, but feel free to use any colors you like.

Craft glue: To assemble the bee parts.

Pencil: For tracing the template on the craft papers.

Googly eyes: To bring the bee to life.

Sharpies: For adding details and facial features.

Scissors: To cut out the craft paper according to the template.


Prepare the Papers: Start by picking out your craft or construction paper. I suggest yellow, white, and black papers. Trace the bee template (including handprint for the body) on the papers and cut them out.

Assemble the Body: Glue the curved strip onto the palm of the handprint to start creating the bee’s body.

Add Stripes: Attach the remaining strips to the fingers for the bee’s stripes.

Trim Excess: Cut off any overlapping parts to match the handprint shape.

Create Wings: Draw details on the wing cutouts with a sharpie, then glue them to the top (pinky side) of the handprint.

Attach Antennae and Eyes: Glue the antennae near the wings and add googly eyes to the palm area.

Final Touches: Draw a mouth and blush spots on the bee’s face to finish.

That’s it! You’re adorable handprint bee is finished!

Handprint bee craft.
Handprint bee craft.

Education Uses and Tips

Integrating bee-themed activities into your educational plan can offer a rich, multi-disciplinary learning experience. Here are some tips on how to use these resources effectively:

Science Exploration: Use the bee crafts and worksheets to complement lessons on insects, pollination, and ecosystems. Discuss the roles bees play in pollinating plants and how this affects our food supply and environment. Hands-on crafts like the handprint bee can help illustrate concepts like bee anatomy and the importance of bees in nature.

Environmental Awareness: Highlight the significance of bees in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Discuss threats to bee populations, such as habitat loss and pesticides, and explore ways we can help protect bees. Creating bee habitats or planting bee-friendly gardens can be great follow-up activities.

Literacy and Vocabulary Building: Incorporate bee-related vocabulary into reading and writing activities. Use informational texts about bees to build comprehension and encourage students to write stories or poems inspired by bees and their environment.

Math Skills: Integrate math lessons with bee themes, such as counting bee-related items, calculating flight paths, or using patterns to create bee art. This can make math more engaging and relatable.

Art and Creativity: Encourage creativity with bee crafts, allowing students to express their understanding and appreciation of bees through art. This can include drawing, painting, or constructing bee models and habitats.

Music and Movement: Incorporate songs and dances about bees to enhance physical development and musical rhythm understanding. This can be a fun way to conclude a lesson on bees, helping to reinforce learning through movement and music.

Social Studies: Discuss the role of bees in different cultures and economies, exploring how bees have been symbolized in various societies and their impact on agricultural practices and industries.

Grab the Free Printable

To get the free printable template for this handprint bee craft, enter your name and email in the pink box below. We’ll send it directly to your inbox.

This is for personal or classroom use only, not for commercial use. Thank you!

This handprint bee craft is a wonderful way to engage with your child in a creative and educational activity. It’s easy enough to make with kids of any age and makes a cute memento.

Handprint bee craft.

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