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Printable Letter I (Grab the Free Templates!)

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Are you in search of a free printable letter I? We offer both upper and lower case A, readily available for you to print at no cost!

printable letter I

Welcome to our printable letter I page! Learning the alphabet is an important step in helping young children develop their language and cognitive skills.

The letter I is a great place to start, and this free printable page is perfect for any preschooler or kindergartner looking to learn their ABC’s.

With both upper and lower case versions of the letter I, it’s great for crafts and activities that reinforce letter recognition.

Whether you’re a teacher looking for helpful resources or a parent wanting to support your child’s learning at home, our printable letters are a must-have tool for any classroom or household.

Letter I Printable Templates

On this page, you’ll find four different versions of our printable letter I, including two uppercase letter I outlines to choose from.

Printable capital letter I
Printable letter I outline

One of the I’s has the lines on the top and bottom, while the other capital I is without.

We also have lowercase letter I templates.

printable letter i
printable letter i

Our printable letter I sheets are designed in a fun and engaging bubble letter format, making them perfect for coloring pages, worksheets, and a range of exciting alphabet activities.

Grab the printable letter I here.

Printing Tips

Our printable PDF comes with all 4 letters. When you go to print, head over to the settings area. Choose to print only the page numbers you want to print out to save on paper and ink.

printable letter i for kids crafts and alphabet learning activities

You’ll get the best quality printables by clicking the link above and downloading the pdf and printing from there. If you print from the photos you’ll end up with grainy printables.

letter I outline
letter i print out
lowercase i
lowercase i

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