Adorable No Sew Felt Gnomes

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Today we have an oh so cute easy DIY felt gnome craft! These gnomes are super cute and easily made with just a few bits of felt and some yarn!

Easy DIY Felt Gnome Doll

These little gnomes are so cute and would make a fantastic room decoration, DIY Christmas ornament or sweet DIY gift.

They’re one of my favorite winter crafts we’ve made. It’s also a great Christmas craft for kids and adults.

It’s fun finding new and creative ways to make felt gnomes.

This craft uses yarn to make their iconic beards instead of a typical piece of fur, making them super fun.

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List of Supplies Needed for No-Sew Gnome Craft

To get started making these no-sew gnomes, start by gathering the supplies you’ll need like these listed below:

  • Piece of cardstock for the gnome’s body
  • Felt fabric
  • Pencil
  • Googly eyes
  • Yarn for the gnome’s beard
  • Half wooden bead for his nose
  • Free Printable Gnome Template
  • Scissors
  • Glue Gun

Make sure to also head over to our free printable gnome pattern from the crafty printable library.

It includes the gnome’s body, and the pieces need for your gnome’s clothing and hat accessories.

felt gnome pattern

How to Make a No-Sew Felt Gnome

To make these little gnome dolls, start by gathering all of your supplies, then download and print out the cone template.

Step 1: Create the Gnomes Body

Cut out and trace the template onto your piece of cardstock.

If you’d rather, you could also just freehand draw a quarter circle on to the cardstock.

no sew felt gnome craft

Step 2: Roll the Gnome Body

Next, roll the quarter circle piece into a cone shape for your gnomes body.

Glue the overlapping pieces together to secure the cone with hot glue.

cone for felt gnome body

How to Make the Felt Gnomes Beard

Next, we’ll start crafting the gnomes beard completely from yarn.

Step 3: Starting the Beard

Select the color of yarn you’d like to craft into your gnomes beard.

Cut several strands of yarn 3 inches long.

It’s better to keep the yarn pieces longer than shorter, as you can trim them up later and it’ll allow you to shape the beard.

yarn beard for felt gnomes

Step 4: Now place your yarn strands onto a flat surface.

Now grab 2 of the strands and fold them in half. place the folded strands over a flat laying single-strand like shown below.

felt gnome beard instructions

Step 5: “Looping” Your Beard

Now, hold the open ends of the double strands and draw them thought it’s loop from under the single strand of yarn.

Pull the open ends all the way through and tighten the double strands with the single strand.

It should end up looking like this below:

crafting a yarn beard for felt gnome

Step 6: Add more Bulk to Gnomes Beard

Repeat the above steps to that same single strand of yarn creating a fuller beard for your gnome doll.

finishing yarn beard for felt gnome

Step 7: Continue Crafting Your Beard

Once your beard is nice and thick, tie a tight knot with the 2 open ends of the single strand.

This will create a small hole in the middle of the yarn strands, like shown below.

And, in case that’s confusing, your gnomes bead nose will end up in that hole, by the way.

making beard for felt gnome craft

Step 8: Secure the Beard

Cut out a small piece of felt fabric and also set the yarn strands towards any one direction.

yarn beard for felt gnome craft

Step 9: Attach the Beard to the Felt

Next, using your hot glue gun, attach the beard to the piece of felt.

yarn beard for felt gnome craft

Making the Gnomes Clothes

Now that your gnomes beard is finished, it’s time to move on to making the gnomes clothes and hat!

Step 10: Start Making Gnome Clothes

Grab a few of the colored pieces of felt fabric to craft the gnomes clothing.

Using our downloadable gnome template, trace out the clothing patterns onto your felt fabrics and cut.

We choose brown for the body, purple for the hat, and green/pin for the hat accents.

felt clothes for gnome

Step 11: Attach the Gnomes Nose

Now attach the wooden bead onto the beard hole and set aside.

Roll the felt hat to form a cone and attach the leaf accents, along with the cherry to decorate your gnomes hat.

Your welcome to add other accents too at this time. We added a little swirled strip of felt to the top of our hat.

Finally, add the body clothing piece to the bottom half of your cardstock cone.

Attach all the pieces using your hot glue gun.

assembling felt gnome craft pieces

Step 12: Attaching the Beard

Now glue the beard to the cardstock cone right above where the felt clothing starts.

making felt gnome craft

Step 13: Attach the Gnomes Hat

Next, glue on your gnomes felt hat to the top of the cardstock cone.

felt gnome craft

Step 14: Adding Eyes?

Finally, if desired, you can add a set of googly eyes to your gnomes.

Of course, lots of gnomes lack eyes, or “they’re hiding under the hat” per se.

But this step is optional, but can add a cute touch to your no-sew gnome!

felt gnome craft

We think he looks cute with the googly eyes.

No sew felt gnomes
No sew felt gnome craft

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  1. Hi there . Love your Gnomes! . Unfortunately I can’t seem to find the pattern in this tutorial . Can you please direct me? . Many thanks, Gail 😊🌻

  2. Hi, could you please tell me how big the half wood beads are for the nose?
    Very cute craft!
    Thanks, Cathy

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